High Kick, Snap Kick, Front Kick: Start with your leg bent, raised, then released high as you can, but from different directions will learn you different kicks at the same time.Avoid a crooked fist, punch too high or punch with shoulder. The straight punch, upper-cut,knife-hand, spear-hand, elbow strike, and back fist, namely.Start training on a sandbag or any target: Practice Punches and Kicks of Karate alternatively with both hands and both legs to fit any situation.Wisdom use of Speed in each situation of short and long.Start training very slowly then getting fast and power bit by bit, will gain you the powerful fast strikes by repetition.Move with Balanced body: short range punches ans kicks are good when opponent are close to you, long range strikes are good for merely far targets, never lost in a mess, use the right hit for the right situation.the heels together and toes pointing outward at a 60-degree angle.

At the beginning of any spar, you'll need to begin with the ready stance.Position your foot like the walking stance, but your weight is mostly on your back leg. Like the natural stance, but your feet are further apart and your weight is mostly on your front leg. foot is pointing forward, back foot is out at a 45-degree angle. The natural, or walking stance (shizentai-dachi).